Matt and co-PI Gordana Dukovic (University of Colorado – Boulder) organized the 2018 NSF-CHE Early Career Investigator workshop in Alexandria, VA. The workshop brought together 100 junior faculty from a broad range of institutions and sub-fields of research with established investigators and numerous NSF staff to discuss strategies for crafting research ideas, planning educational and outreach activities, and assessing and evaluating project aims. Materials generated at the workshop are shared at Thanks to our speakers and all of NSF for supporting this important effort!
NSF Early Career Workshop
Matt has received a grant from NSF ($70k) with co-PI Gordana Dukovic (CU-Boulder) to organize the 2018 NSF CHE Early Career Investigator Workshop in Alexandria, VA. Please pass along the word to early-career chemists who could benefit from a workshop on proposal preparation. Further details can be found at the workshop website.
Matt participates in NSF workshop
Matt served as an invited speaker at the 2017 NSF Chemistry Early Career Investigator Workshop.